• September 2023Next Step
  • May 2023Negotiations with wind turbine installation and assembly company
  • April 2023Negotiations with potential turbine suppliers started
  • March 2023First soil data obtained
  • November 2022Wind measurement program started
  • August 2022This project has been granted the status of "priority project" by the Latvian Investment and Development Agency (LIAA)
  • June - September 2022Negotiations with government agencies, subcontractors on primary research work. Initial wind measurement works started
  • March - June 2022Market analysis and primary research works
  • Mart 2022The Founder decided to start the project Wind Rezekne

Wind measurment

Current State

The wind measurement campaign is ongoing. It is designed with two LIDARS in such manner that any turbine will be within 5.1 km distance from LIDAR. It was decided considering terrain and recommendations of international wind measurement companies in order to achieve P90 coefficient for the required measurements.

One LIDAR (with bigger coverage are) is already in the place, the other equipment is on the way due to very high demand for measuring now. WTG area is calculated considering all building restrictions according to the Latvian law.