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Wind Farm

Wind Rezekne is the largest wind park project in Latvia, the Baltic States and is expected to be one of the top 3 largest onshore wind park in Europe by the time it is built.

Key Parameters

Key Parameters


  • Latvia
    Rezekne location
  • Up to 10 MW
    Power of one turbine
  • 6,9 M/S
    Average wind speed
  • Up to 150
    Number of turbines
  • RTB 2024
  • € 1.5 - 1.6 bn

About the project

Current State

Wind Rezekne is a private wind park project in the Rēzekne district of Latvia.

This project has been granted the status of "priority project" by the Latvian Investment and Development Agency (LIAA), which speeds up the process of application review by state authorities by half.

The park is expected to have a capacity of 1GW and by the time of its realization it will be one of the three largest onshore wind parks in Europe.

The project has been allocated 2400 hectares of land on which 2 LIDARs for wind measurement have been installed in September 2022.

All studies and measurements are being carried out with the possibility of installing top-of-the-range turbines and advanced technologies.

At current stage the geology is 70% completed.

At the moment we are looking for a turbine manufacturer partner. The final decision is planned to be made in November 2023

More detailed information can be found at Our Progress

Project location
Project schema
Status background

Our status

“Priority investment” status

On August 1, 2022, the Investment and Development Agency of Latvia (LIAA) received an application from company to recognize the wind park investment project in Rēzekne region as a priority investment project.

Based on the Cabinet of Ministers' regulation of February 4, 2021, No. 83 "Rules on the servicing of priority investment projects", it was concluded and confirmed that the abovementioned project satisfies all the requirements laid out in the Rules and the Company was granted the priority status.

LIAA Logotype